
Asia Pacific Division

Upcoming events: 

  • 23rd Congress of the Asian Pacific Division of IAHR. Chennai, India. August 8-11, 2022.

Division's aims

The main objectives of the Division shall be:

  • to promote the science of hydraulics and its application in all relevant fields in the region;

  • to promote professional competence of individuals in the region engaged in the development and application of the sciences to the hydrosphere; 

  • to contribute to the solution of regional problems in the field of hydraulics;

  • to provide a forum of exchange of information among researchers and practitioners in the regional community.

The Division's activities mainly include: 

  • organizational development of the Division's areas of endeavour;

  • conduct of regional congresses and conferences;

  • publication of monographs, proceedings of congresses, papers in the Journal of Hydraulic Research;

  • cooperation and co-ordination with other divisions and sections; 

  • provision of a regional clearing house for information related to all aspects of hydraulics and their practical application.

APD website


IAHR Hydro-Environment Asia and Pacific Division Heritage Award

The IAHR Regional Hydro-Environment Heritage Award is conferred by IAHR during one or more of the Asia and Pacific Division Congresses on a local infrastructure of lasting and international importance. It has the purpose of giving international professional recognition to the work of local hydro-environment engineers, and should demonstrably have stood the test of time (and be at least one hundred years old) and be accepted and valued nationally.

  • 2020: Hokkaido, Japan for the Flood controls and water utilization facilities in the Ishikari River basin

  • 2020: Osaka-Sayama City, Japan for the for the Sayamaike Reservoir

  • 2020: Kanazawa City, Japan for the Tatsumi Aqueduct

  • 2016: The first ever Water Heritage Award was awarded to“Parakrama Samudraya” a reservoir aimed at irrigation and constructed in the 11th century. It has a surface area of 22,600,000 m2 and a catchment area of 75,000,000 m2          

Distinguished IAHR-APD Membership Award

  • 2020: Prof. Bruce Melville (New Zealand); Prof. Kyung Soo Jun (Korea)

  • 2018: Prof. Jing Peng (China)

  • 2016: Prof. Hitoshi Tanaka (Japan)

  • 2014: Prof. Il Won Seo (Korea) 

  • 2012: Prof. Vallam Sundar (India), Prof. Lianxiang Wang (China)

  • 2010: Prof. Joseph Lee (Hong Kong, China), Prof. Ashim Das Gupta (Thailand)

APD Best Paper Award

  • 2020: "Reynolds Number Effects of Internal Solitary Waves Propagating on a Uniform Slope" by Hai Zhu, Songping Mao, Decai Sun, Lingling Wang, Zhenzhen Yu, Cheng Lin, 22st IAHR-APD Congress, Online

  • 2020: "Uncertainties of Machine Learning in Predicting the Hydrological Responses of Lid Practices" by Yang Yang, Ting Fong May Chui, 22st IAHR-APD Congress, Online

  • 2020: "Effects of Submerged Weir with an Opening on Bed Deformation and Flow Structure under Live-bed Conditions" by Hirotaka Une, Terunori Ohmoto, 22st IAHR-APD Congress, Online

  • 2020: "Variability in Stage-discharge Relationships in River Reach with Bed Evolutions" by Robin K. Biswas, Shinji Egashira, Daisuke Harada, 22st IAHR-APD Congress, Online

  • 2018: “Dominating Factors Influencing Rapid Channel Migration during Floods – A Case Study on Otofuke River” by Tomoko Kyuka and Yasuyuki Shimizu, 21st IAHR- APD Congress, Yogyakarto, Indonesia

  • 2018:“Effect of the Combination of Forest and the Front-Side Moat along a River Where a Tsunami Runs Up” by Yoshiya Igarashi and Norio Tanaka , 21st IAHR- APD Congress, Yogyakarto, Indonesia

  • 2018: “Effect of Climate Change Variables on the Coastal Wind Prediction” by Syamsidik, 21st IAHR- APD Congress, Yogyakarto, Indonesia

  • 2012: “Analysis of dispersion characteristic using tracer test in natural stream” by Il Won Seo, 18th IAHR- APD Congress, Jeju, Korea

  • 2010: “The structure of flows in suspended aquaculture canopies” by David Plew, 17th IAHR-APD Congress, Auckland, New Zealand

Leadership Team
Gregory De Costa

Open Polytechnic of New Zealand

Sri Lanka

Vice Chair
Radianta Triatmadja

Universitas Gadjah Mada


Past Chair
Hyoseop Woo

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology

Republic of Korea

Secretary General
Won Kim

Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT)

Republic of Korea


Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)


Sung-Uk Choi

Yonsei University

Republic of Korea

Vivien Chua

National University of Singapore


Ting Fong May Chui

The University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong SAR, China

Shaohua Marko Hsu

Feng Chia University

Taiwan, China

Pengzhi Lin

Sichuan University


José Rodríguez

The University of Newcastle


S.A. Sannasiraj

Indian Institute of Technology Madras


Norio Tanaka

Saitama University


Nor Azazi Zakaria

River Engineering and Urban Drainage Research Centre (REDAC)


Trung Viet Nguyen

Thuyloi University

Viet Nam

Yasuyuki Shimizu

Hokkaido University, Laboratory of Hydraulic Research


Programme Officer

  • Derek Cai, IAHR Secretariat,


  • Secretary General: Dr. Won KIM (

  • Contact person: Dr. Eunkyung Jang (

Past events

  • [Online] 22nd Congress of the Asian Pacific Division of IAHR, Sep 14, 2020 - Sep 17, 2020, Sapporo, Japan, Proceedings

  • 21th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 2-5 September 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 

  • 20th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 29-30 August 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka

  • 19th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 21-24 September 2014, Thuyloi University, Hanoi, Vietnam Website Table of contents Poster Contact 

  • 18th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 20-23 August 2012, Jeju, Korea Table of contents Contact 

  • 17th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 2010, Auckland, New Zealand. Table of contents Contact 

  • 16th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 2008, Nanjing, China. Tsinghua University Press, 6 volumes. Contact

  • 15th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 2006, Chennai, India. IIT Chennai, 4 volumes. Contact

  • 14th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 2004, Hong Kong, China, 2 volumes. Contact

  • 13th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 2002, Singapore. Published by World Scientific Ed. John Junke Guo, 2 volumes.

  • 12th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 2000, Bangkok, Thailand (2000). Prof. A. Das Gupta, Water Engineering and Management Program, School of Civil Engineering, Asian Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang Pathumthani, 12120 Thailand. E-mail:

  • 11th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 8-10 September 1998, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Prof. Dr. Sri Harto Br., Dip. H., Faculty of Engineering, Gadja Mada University, Jl. Grafika 2, Kampus UGM Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia. e-mail: ;

  • 10th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR,1996, Langkawi Island, Malaysia. Secretariat National Hydraulics Research, Institute of Malaysia, Block A, JPS Malaysia (Ampang Branch), Jalan Air Bukit, 6800 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  • 9th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, August 24-26, 1994, Singapore. From Ass.Prof. Cheong, Ken-Air Skylinks, 35 Selegie Road, #09-19 Parklane Shopping Mall, Singapore 0718.

  • 8th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, October 20-23, 1992, Pune, India. Dr. P.P. Vaidyaraman, Director Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune 411024, India.

  • 7th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, November 13-16, 1990, Beijing, China. 3 volumes. From Prof. A. Das Gupta, Asian Institute of Technology, Division of WRE, P.O. Box 2754, Bangkok 10501, Thailand Fax: 66-2-5162126 or Mr Wang Lianxiang, Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydro-electric Power Research, P.O. Box 366, Beijing 100044, China. Fax: 86-1-8412539.

  • 6th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR (APD-IAHR), Kyoto, Japan (1988). 6 volumes, 241 papers, 1906 p. Prof. Y. Iwasa, Dept. Dept. of Civil Engineering, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606, Japan.

  • International Conference on Water Resources & Environmental Research Towards the 21st Century, October 29-31, 1996, Kyoto, Japan. Prof. S. Ikebuchi, Water Resources Research Center, Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611, Japan

  • 5th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 1986, Seoul, Korea.

  • 4th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 1984, Chiang Mai, Thailand

  • 3rd Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 1982, Bandung, Indonesia

  • 2nd Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 1980, Taipei, China

  • 1st Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of IAHR, 1978, Bangkok, Tailand


Journal of Hydro-Environment Research
Sponsored by the Korea Water Resources Association

The journal aims to provide an international platform for the dissemination of research and engineering applications related to water and hydraulic problems in the Asia-Pacific region. The journal provides a wide distribution at affordable subscription rate, as well as a rapid reviewing and publication time. The journal particularly encourages papers from young researchers.

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