My Profile


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IAHR Position

Committee Name Position Start Date End Date
Japan Chapter Vice Chair 2019-01-01 Now
Asia and Pacific Division Member 2015-01-01 Now
Japan Director 2012-01-01 2018-12-31

My Papers and Presentations

Title Year
Changes in the Flow Structure and Energy Loss of a Tsunami Current Through Forest with a Gap 2020
Energy Reduction in Tsunami Through a Defense System Comprising an Embankment and Vegetation on a Mound 2020
Historical River Course Changes and Paddy Fields Developments in the Arakawa River Basin, Japan and the Role of Second Embankments in the Recent 2019 Flooding Event 2020
Improved Numerical Simulation Against Overflow from Embankment Under Steady and Unsteady Flow Conditions by Considering Non-Hydrostatic Pressure 2020
Inland Forest Model Design Considering Tsunami Borne Large Driftwood 2020
Effects of Existing Historical Second Embankments in the Floodplain for River Flood Inundation Control 2019
Tsunami Mitigation Effect and Tree Breaking Situation of Dahurian Larch Coastal Forest at Six Growth Stages Under Thinning Management of Trees 2019
Estimation of Tsunami Force Reduction and the Breaking Mode of Coastal Trees Applicable to Coastal Forest Management as a Bioshield 2017
Modeling the Sediment Dynamics of Supplied Sand and Gravel in Armored River Downstream of a Dam 2017
Boundary Layer Development in Roughness Layer at Modeled Armored Gravel Bed Stream and the Sand Movement in the Region 2015
Comparison Between Drag Force on a House Behind Coastal Forest and Impulsive Force by Tsunami-Driven Woody Debris from the Forest at the Great East Japan Earthquake 2013
Quantitative Analysis on the Damage of River Embankment and Hinterland Along the Abukumagawa River at the Great East Japan Earthquake Tsunami 2013

My Videos

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IAHR Awards

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