Honorary Membership Award

The most prestigious honour conferred by the IAHR Council is Honorary Membership. This award is bestowed on up to three distinguished IAHR Members and/or individuals and institutions from outside the IAHR community at the biennial IAHR world congress. According to article 13 of the IAHR guidelines Council is responsible for selecting Honorary Members. If you wish to make a recommendation please contact the Secretariat or any Council Member.

M. Selim Yalin Lifetime Achievement Award

The M. Selim Yalin Award was established by the IAHR Council in 2006 to honour the memory of Professor M. Selim Yalin, Honorary Member (1925-2007), and Fluvial Hydraulics Section Chairman (1986-1991). Professor Yalin is remembered for his prolific and pioneering research contributions in fluvial hydraulics and sediment transport, and for his inspirational mentoring of students and young researchers.The Award is made biennially by IAHR to one of its members whose experimental, theoretical or numerical research has resulted in significant and enduring contributions to the understanding of the physics of phenomena and/or processes in hydraulic science or engineering and who demonstrated outstanding skills in graduate teaching and supervision. The awards consisting of a certificate and cash prize are presented during the IAHR World Congresses. The Award fund, which was established by the family and friends of Professor Yalin, is authorised to receive contributions from association members and friends of Professor Yalin.

Arthur Thomas Ippen Award

The Ippen Award was established by the IAHR Council in 1977 to memorialise Professor Ippen, IAHR President (1959-1963), IAHR honorary member (1963-1974), and for many decades an inspirational leader in fluids research, hydraulic engineering, and international co-operation and understanding. The Award is made biennially by IAHR to one of its members who has demonstrated conspicuously outstanding ability, originality, and accomplishment in basic hydraulic research and/or applied hydraulic engineering, and who holds great promise for continuation of a high level of productivity in this profession. The awards are made at the biennial congresses of IAHR, where the most recent recipient delivers the Arthur Thomas Ippen Lecture. The Award fund, which was established by Professor Ippen's family is authorised to receive contributions from association members and friends of Professor Ippen.

Harold Jan Schoemaker Award

The Schoemaker Award was established by the IAHR council in 1980 to recognise the efforts made by Professor Schoemaker, Secretary (1960-1979), in guiding the Journal of Hydraulic Research in its formative years. The Award is made biennially by the IAHR to the author(s) of the paper judged the most outstanding paper published in the IAHR Journal of Hydraulic Research. IAHR members are invited to submit candidates for nomination for the Harold Jan Schoemaker Award. This Award is made at the IAHR World Congress to the author(s) of the paper judged the most outstanding paper published in the IAHR Journal of Hydraulic Research in the two years preceeding the Congress. A proposal for nomination shall be completed with a clear argumentation (maximum one page) regarding its outstanding quality and why the paper is of such a specific quality that it outweighs the other papers of the considered series.

John F. Kennedy Student Paper Competition

The John F. Kennedy Student Paper Competition was established by the IAHR Council in 1992 to honor the memory of Professor John F. Kennedy, IAHR President (1979-1983) and Honorary Member (1989-1991). Professor Kennedy made significant and lasting contributions to the Association, and is remembered particularly for his efforts to foster younger-member membership and participation.The competition is associated with each IAHR world congress. A panel of judges appointed by the congress Local Organizing Committee (LOC) selects the winning paper on the basis of written and oral presentations. The winner of the competition is awarded a cash prize from the Award fund, and a commemorative plaque, at the congress closing ceremony. The LOC may offer additional cash prizes and certificates to runners up from its own resources. The Award fund, established by Professor Kennedy's family, is maintained by the Association and is authorised to receive contributions from Association members and from friends of Professor Kennedy.Scoresheet

Willi H. Hager JHR Best Reviewer Award

The Award was established by the IAHR Council in 2012 and is sponsored by Prof. Willi H. Hager. The Award is made biennially to up to three reviewers preferably under 45 years of age judged to provide most outstanding reviews of the papers submitted to the Journal of Hydraulic Research during the preceding two-year period. The Award recipients are selected by the JHR Editor, Associate Editors, and Prof. Willi H. Hager among the nominees made by the JHR Associate Editors. The award will consist of an award certificate and monetary prize of Euro 100 (or equivalent to the annual IAHR membership fee). The winners must be present at the Award Ceremony to be held during the biennial World Congress.Prof Willi H. HagerETH ZurichSwitzerland

JRBM Best Paper Award

This award, established in 2010, is supported by Taylor and Francis and awards anually the best contribution to JRBM with strong original research dealing with significant basin management problems. The award consists of an award certificate and monetary prize of 600 Euro. The Award recipient is selected by the JRBM Editor and the Editorial Board.

RIBAGUA Best Paper Award

This award is supported by IAHR and WCCE and awards biennially the best contribution to RIBAGUA in two categories: best technical paper and best scientific paper; both with strong original research dealing with significant water problems in Ibero-America. The award consists of an award certificate. The Award recipient is selected by the RIBAGUA Editor and the Editorial Board.

IAHR Hydro-Environment World Heritage Award

This Award established in 2012 is conferred by IAHR during the World Congress on a local infrastructure of lasting and international importance. It has the purpose of giving international professional recognition to the work of local hydro-environment engineers, and should demonstrably have stood the test of time (and be at least one hundred years old) and be accepted and valued nationally.

IAHR Industry Innovation Award

This Industry Innovation Award is conferred by IAHR during the World Congress on a recent local innovation in design of lasting and international importance. It has the purpose of giving international professional recognition to the work of local hydro-environment engineers.

Regional IAHR Hydro-Environment Heritage and Industry Innovation Awards

The IAHR Regional Hydro-Environment Heritage Award and IAHR Regional Industry Award are conferred by IAHR during one or more of the IAHR Regional Congresses on a local infrastructure of lasting and international importance. They have the purpose of giving international professional recognition to the work of local hydro-environment engineers, and should demonstrably have stood the test of time (and be at least one hundred years old) and be accepted and valued nationally:

IAHR Gerhard Jirka Award for Young Researchers

The award was introduced during the 5th IAHR Europe Congress in Trento in 2018 and was created in memory of Prof. Gerhard Jirka to award the best presentation given by a Young Professional during the biennial IAHR Europe Division Congress. It values the quality, originality and relevance of the presentation.

Stephen E. Coleman Award

The Stephen E. Coleman Best Paper Award is granted biennially for the best paper submitted to the River Flow Conference Series and authored or co-authored by a young researcher. This award was established by the IAHR technical committee on Fluvial Hydraulics in September 2014, in memory of Prof. Stephen E. Coleman (1966–2012).

Honorary Fellows of the IAHR Ecohydraulics Committee

Appointment as an Honorary Fellow of the Ecohydraulics Committee of the IAHR society is to honor exceptional achievement and/or service within our community and profession.  This award may be given to a member or non-member of IAHR.Six months prior to the scheduled Ecohydraulics Symposium, the Chair will solicit from the members of the Ecohydraulics Committee confidential nominations to be sent to the Leadership Team.  The nominations will be accepted for a three month period.  Each nomination must include a one page justification of why the nominee should be considered for designation as an Honorary Fellow of the Ecohydraulics Committee.  The Ecohydraulics Leadership Team (Chair, Secretary, and Past Chair) will review the nominations and make their selection.  The selection must be unanimous.  In the event that no formal nominations are received, the Leadership Team will at their discretion, select the awardee.The award will be given at each Ecohydraulics Symposium by the Ecohydraulics Chair at the symposium banquet and include a plague commemorating their designation as an Honorary Fellow of the Ecohydraulics Committee. 

Donald R. F. Harleman Lectureship

The lectureship to be given during IAHR’s next World Congress and subsequent congresses recognizes the early contributions to engineering hydraulics by Professor Harleman, and focuses on two areas of IAHR endeavor: artificial intelligence in the context of water science and engineering, and ecohydraulics.

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