IAHR Co-Sponsorship of International Events

As a highly-regarded scientific organisation, IAHR endorses a wide range hydro-environment conferences, symposiums, workshops and training programs and with its global reputation lends an international character and credibility to the events in co-sponsored.

Our Technical Committees and Regional Divisions are fully equipped to render the required scientific support or back-up. This can consist of contributions from Council members and/or Committee Officers (scientific committee, session chairman, rapporteur or to help identify other keynote speakers). The IAHR Secretariat has considerable experience in the publishing of Proceedings, developing congress websites and event promotion.

Benefits of IAHR Co-Sponsorship

IAHR facilitates its co-sponsored events by offering:

  • Use of IAHR Logo for event promotion

  • Distribution of 1st and 2nd announcement through IAHR mailings for free

  • Listed in Events Calendar of IAHR website

  • Half-page advertising space in HydroLink (not free)

  • Promotion in NewsFlash with regular news

  • Banner ad in NewsFlash (not free)

  • IAHR proceedings publishing both printed and online (not free)

  • Scientific support from the IAHR Technical Committee most closely linked to the main theme of the conference

  • Other forms of assistance from the IAHR Secretariat

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Duties of IAHR Co-Sponsored Events

In return, events co-sponsored by IAHR are requested to:

  • Promote IAHR on event website and official materials

  • Distribute IAHR brochures to all participants through delegate kits

  • Clearly offer reduced registration fee (10-15% off) for all IAHR members

  • Send Post-Event Reporting Form and other documents to IAHR

  • Offer a stand for IAHR for free if being requested by IAHR

  • Include at least one IAHR representative to the scientific organizing committee or advisory board of the event

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Steps to Request Co-Sponsorship from IAHR

  • Send a brief proposal (with introductions to the event) to the IAHR Secretariat

  • IAHR Executive Council or the related Technical Committee will decide whether or not to co-sponsor the event. If yes,

  • Event organizer needs to sign a Co-Sponsorship Agreement and send it back to the IAHR Secretariat

  • IAHR Secretariat starts facilitating the promotion of the event while the event organizer starts promoting IAHR, offering reduced registration fee to IAHR members, enjoying other benefits from an IAHR co-sponsorship and fulfilling duties.

Contact Us

Ms. Jenny Lu
Technical Division Programme Officer
+86 10 6878 1615


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