Transport and Reactive Processes in Aquifers: Proceedings of the international symposium, Zürich, 11-15 April 1994

ISBN: 9789054103684

Th. Dracos, F. Stauffer

Published for the International Association of Hydraulic Research (IAHR), this text covers transport and reactive processes in aquifers. Topics include laboratory & field investigations; Field experiments & parameter estimation in heterogenous formatios; Modeling transport in heterogeneous media; Modeling transport & physico-chemical processes; Modeling transport & reactive processes; Multiphase flow; Aquifer remediation; Poster presentations.

Turbulence in Open Channel Flows

ISBN: 9789054101185

Hiroji Nakagawa, Iehisa Nezu

A review of open channel turbulence, focusing especially on certain features stemming from the presence of the free surface and the bed of a river. Part one presents the statistical theory of turbulence; Part two addresses the coherent structures in open-channel flows and boundary layers.

Sedimentation: Exclusion and Removal of Sediment from Diverted Water

ISBN: 9789054101321

Arved J. Raudkivi

This monograph provides the practising engineer with a concise overview of the methods of water diversion and exclusion or removal of sediment from the diverted water. The emphasis is on flow features and the associated conveyance of sediments.

Turbulence Models and Their Application in Hydraulics

ISBN: 9789054101505

Wolfgang Rodi

This book provides an introduction to the subject of turbulence modelling in a form easy to understand for anybody with a basic background in fluid mechanics, and it summarizes the present state of the art. Individual models are described and examined for the merits and demerits which range from the simple Prandtl mixing length theory to complex second order closure schemes.

Water Resources Management: Modern Decision Techniques: Selected papers from the international symposium on application of systems to water resources management, Perugia, 1986 IAHR Proceedings

ISBN: 9789061911487

Marcello Benedini, Kodwo Andah, Ricardo Harboe

State-of-the-art of various principles underlying the application of systems analysis to water resources management. Techniques involving lineair and dynamic programming, uncertainties and risk analysis and multicriteria approaches with regard to decision making in water resources management and planning. Particular reference of some case studies to developing countries.

Mobile Barrages and Intakes on Sediment Transporting Rivers: IAHR Monograph Series

ISBN: 9789061911500

M. Bouvard

Rapid growth in water requirements makes it necessary to increase the amount of water drawn from rivers. The dams necessary for capturing river water have to be built to resist damage when large floods occur, and an idea of the possible destructive power of floods is given by the front photograph. The need for protection results in thick sill structures fitted with gates, and "upstream" and "downstream" cut-off walls. Sediment transported by rivers settles forming deposits behind dams, where flow velocities decrease. On the other hand, where flow velocities are high through hydraulic machinery (pums and turbines) fed from the dam, it can be necessary to remove even fine s

Air Entrainment in Free-surface Flow: IAHR Hydraulic Structures Design Manuals 4

ISBN: 9789061919940

I.R. Wood

This monograph is aimed at the practising hydraulic engineer. Work on it commenced at Professor Naudascher's instigation in 1982. Over the next six years all or some of the authors discussed progress at IAHR sponsored conferences at Esslingen, Melbourne, Lausanne and Beijing. With the authors scattered throughout the world, and all with other responsibilities, progress was bound to be slow. Completion was further delayed by the great increase in published technical literature in this area over the period 1982-1988. This literature continues to expand and with it our understanding of the air water flow phenomena. The monograph must therefore be seen as the authors' views on the state

Scouring: Hydraulic Structures Design Manual Series, Vol. 2

ISBN: 9789061919834

H.N.C. Breusers, A.J. Raudkivi

Information and technical data concerning scouring/erosion caused by water fl in rivers and streams. More specifically, how certain structures exaggerate this natural process by restricting water flow, causing constriction and loc scour. Material presented is from both field studies and laboratories

Hydrodynamic Forces: IAHR Hydraulic Structures Design Manuals 3

ISBN: 9789061919933

Eduard Naudascher

Produced for the International Association for Hydraulic Research, this monograph covers fluctuating and mean hydrodynamic forces, hydrodynamic forces on high-head gates, and hydrodynamic forces on low-head gates i.e. only the forces induced by flow incident or past the structure.

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