
Arthur Thomas Ippen Award

Founding Statement

The Ippen Award was established by the IAHR Council in 1977 to memorialise Professor Ippen, IAHR President (1959-1963), IAHR honorary member (1963-1974), and for many decades an inspirational leader in fluids research, hydraulic engineering, and international co-operation and understanding. The Award is made biennially by IAHR to one of its members who has demonstrated conspicuously outstanding ability, originality, and accomplishment in basic hydraulic research and/or applied hydraulic engineering, and who holds great promise for continuation of a high level of productivity in this profession. The awards are made at the biennial congresses of IAHR, where the most recent recipient delivers the Arthur Thomas Ippen Lecture. The Award fund, which was established by Professor Ippen's family is authorised to receive contributions from association members and friends of Professor Ippen.

Rules for the administration of the award
  • 1. The Arthur Thomas Ippen Award (hereinafter referred to as the Award) will be made biennially, in odd-numbered years, to a member of IAHR who has developed a conspicuously outstanding record of accomplishment as demonstrated by his research, publications and/or conception and design of significant engineering hydraulic works; and who holds great promise for a continuing level of productivity in the field of basic hydraulic research and/or applied hydraulic engineering.

  • 2. Candidates must be under 45 years of age at the time of presentation of the Award in the Congress.

  • 3. Each awardee will be selected by the IAHR Council from a list of not more than three nominees submitted to the Council by a Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Award Committee) composed of the Technical Division Secretaries and chaired by a Council member. The Award Committee will actively seek nomination of awardees from the IAHR membership, and will publish at least annually in the IAHR Bulletin an advertisement, calling for nominations. The advertisement will include a brief description of the support material which is to accompany nominations.

  • 4. The awardee for each year will be selected by the Council either at its meeting during the preceding even-numbered year or by mail ballot in January of the year of the Congress.

  • 5. The award need not be made during any biennium in which the Council considers none of the nominees to be of sufficient high quality.The awardee will present a lecture, to be known as the Ippen Lecture (hereinafter referred to as the Lecture), at the IAHR Biennial Congress following his election. The subject of the Lecture will be agreed upon by the awardee and the IAHR President. The Lecture will be published in the Congress Proceedings. Public presentation of the Award will be made by the President during the opening ceremonies of the Congress.

  • 6. The awardee will present a lecture, to be known as the Ippen lecture (hereinafter referred to as the lecture), at the

  • IAHR world congress following his election. The subject of the lecture will be agreed upon by the awardee and

  • the IAHR president. The lecture will be published in the congress proceedings. Public presentation of the Award

  • will be made by the president during the opening ceremonies of the congress.

  • 7. The awardee will be given a suitable certificate which will state the purpose of the Award and indicate the specific contribution(s) of area(s) of endeavour for which the awardee is recognised. The awardee also will receive a monetary honorarium upon presentation of the Lecture. The terms of the honorarium will be published in the announcement of each biennial Award. The monetary honorarium for the Award is US$1,500.

  • 8. Wide distribution of awardees among different countries and different areas of specialisation is to be sought by the Award Committee and by the Council.

  • 9. No individual shall receive the Award more than once.

  • Initial contact regarding nominations for the Award should be made with:

  • IAHR Secretariat
    Tel.: +34 91 335 7908

List of previous winners


2019: Claudia Adduce, Italy
For outstanding contributions in the field of experimental and numerical modeling and innovation in experimental techniques with applications to stratified flows and sediment transport

2017: Qiuwen Chen, China
For outstanding contributions in the field of environmental hydroinformatics and ecohydraulics.

2015: Damien Violeau, France 
For outstanding contributions in the field of fluid mechanics with special emphasis on turbulence modeling for addressing complex, real-life hydraulics problems.

2013: G. Constantinescu, USA
For outstanding contributions in the field of fluid mechanics and especially of turbulence modeling with applications to fluvial hydraulics and stratified flows.

2011: X. Sánchez-Vila, Spain
For outstanding contributions in the field of groundwater flow and contaminant transport with application to flow modeling in heterogeneous porous media.

2009: Y. Niño, Chile
For outstanding basic contributions in lfuid mechanics with applications to sediment transport and environmental flow porcesses.

2007: M. S. Ghidaoui, Hong Kong, China
For outstanding contribution to research in environmental fluid mechanics.

2005: A. M. Da Silva, Canada
For outstanding contributions in the area of fluvial processes and in particular, sediment transport.

2003: H. Chanson, Australia
For numerous contributions to congresses and scientific journals, invited lectures short courses, and book authorship in the areas of hydraulic structure design, and transfer processes in turbulent flow, and for his active contribution to IAHR congresses, the River-list discussion group, and the Hydraulic Structures section.

2001: M.H. Garcia, USA
For creative and original research and publications on sediment transport, fluvial hydraulics and mudflow, for his application of hydraulic theory to engineering problems, for his mentoring and guiding of research students as an educator, and for his devoted services to the hydraulic profession.

1999: V. Babovic, Yugoslavia
For achievements in original research and development leading to the engineering applications and implementation of Hydroinformatics real-time control and decision support systems.

1997: W. H. Hager, Switzerland
For outstanding contribution to research work and application in river mechanics and morphology and sediment transport.

1995: G. Parker, USA
For contribution to research work in river mechanics and morphology, and sediment transport.

1993: Y.-K. Tung, USA
For outstanding contributions in the area of probabilistic analysis of water resources engineering problems, and research in hydraulics and hydrology including rainfall-runoff modelling and flood routing.

1991: R.A. Falconer, UK
For outstanding contributions in the area of computational flow modelling of coastal and estuarine waters and associated environmental problems.

1989: G. H. Jirka, Germany
For basic research contributions in stratified flows, air-water-sediment transfer processes, innovation in experi­mental techniques and for applied research contributions in waste heat disposal and the environmental impact of energy facilities.

1987: W. Rodi, Germany
For contribution to the mathematical modelling of turbulence phenomena in hydraulics.

1985: K.G. Ranga Raju, India
For many contributions to the understanding and formulation of river processes.

1983: F.M. Holly Jr., USA
For contributions to the study of turbulent diffusion, sediment transport and river stability and the development of numerical simulation thereof.

1981: J.P. Benqué, France
For contributions to fluid mechanics in particular to the development of numerical simulation of complex natural and industrial flows.

1979: F. Durst, Germany
For contributions to research in fluid mechanics, in particular to the development of measuring techniques for experimental studies of complex flow fields.

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