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Journal of Hydraulic Research 2020 Issue 1

ID Title Authors Year
2632 An Experimental Study of the Hydraulic Performance of a Buoyancy-Automated Tidal Gate
James Simpson, William Glamore, Stefan Felder
2633 Air-Water Flow Properties in Hydraulic Jumps on a Positive Slope
Laura Montano, Stefan Felder
2634 Physical Modeling of Overtopping Induced Fluvial Dike Failure: Effects of Main Channel Flow and Floodplain Innundation
Ismail Rifai, Sebastien Erpicum, Pierre Archambeau, Damien Violeau, Michel Pirotton, Benjamin Dewals, Kamal El Kadi Abderrezzak
2635 Multi-Index Evaluation on River Health Assessment: Iwe Method
Huidong Su, Tiantian Jin, Shi Feng, Junqiang Lin
2636 Performance Evaluation of Numerical Simulation for Turbulence Characteristics Around Circular Bridge Pier
Praveen Rathod, Vivek L. Manekar
2637 Using the Telemac 3D Model for Estimating the Impact of Bridge Construction to River Hydrodynamic Regime
Ngoc Duong Vo, Quang Binh Nguyen, Philippe Gourbesville
2638 Flow Near Groynes: Experimental or Computational Approaches
Quang Binh Nguyen, Ngoc Duong Vo, Philippe Gourbesville
2639 Further Studies on Optimal Hydraulic Section of Steady Uniform Flow in Rectangular Open Channels
Min Fan, Yuanle Zhu, Yaozu Jiang, Bole Jiao
2640 Effect of Flow Intensity on Bridge Pier Scour Geometry for Low Blockage Ratios
Priscilla Williams, Ram Balachandar, Tirupati Bolisetti
2641 Seepage Simulation on Putrajaya Earth Fill Dam
Muhammad Rizal Razali, Saad Sh Sammen, Azzlia Mohd Unaini, Thamer Ahmed Mohammed Ali

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