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Aquatic interfaces: a hydrodynamic and ecological perspective

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Author(s): Andrea Marion; Vladimir Nikora; Sara Puijalon; Tjeerd Bouma; Katinka Koll; Francesco Ballio; Simon Tait; Mattia Zaramella; Alexander Sukhodolov; Matthew O'Hare; Geraldene Wharton; Jochen Aberle; Matteo Tregnaghi; Peter Davies; Heidi Nepf; Gary Parker; Ber

Linked Author(s): andrea marion, Vladimir Nikora, Katinka Koll, Francesco Ballio, Simon Tait, Alexander Nicholas Sukhodolov, matteo tregnaghi, Peter A. Davies, Heidi M. Nepf, Gary Parker

Keywords: Flow-biota interactions; hydrodynamics; interfaces; sediments; wetlands

Abstract: Ecologically-appropriate management of natural and constructed surface water bodies has become increasingly important given the growing anthropogenic pressures, statutory regulations, and climate-change impacts on environmental quality. The development of management strategies requires that a number of knowledge gaps be addressed through interdisciplinary research efforts particularly focusing on the water-biota and water-sediment interfaces where most critical biophysical processes occur. This paper discusses the current state of affairs in this field and highlights potential paths to resolve critical issues, such as hydrodynamically-driven mass transport processes at interfaces and associated responses of organisms through the development of traits. The roles of experimental methods, theoretical modelling, statistical tools, and conceptual upscaling methods in future research are discussed from both engineering and ecological perspectives. The aim is to attract the attention of experienced and emerging hydraulic and environmental researchers to this research area, which is likely to bring new and exciting discoveries at the discipline borders.


Year: 2014

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