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Spatially-averaged flows over mobile rough beds: equations for the second-order velocity moments

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Author(s): Konstantinos Papadopoulos; Vladimir Nikora; Stuart Cameron; Mark Stewart; Christopher Gibbins

Linked Author(s): Vladimir Nikora, Stuart Cameron

Keywords: Double averaging methodology; form-induced stress; mobile-boundary flows; second-order hydrodynamic equations; spatially-averaged turbulent stress; turbulence

Abstract: ABSTRACTThe double-averaging methodology is used in this paper for deriving equations for the second-order velocity moments (i.e. turbulent and dispersive stresses) that emerge in the double-averaged momentum equation for incompressible Newtonian flows over mobile boundaries. The starting point in the derivation is the mass and momentum conservation equations for local (at a point) instantaneous variables that are up-scaled by employing temporal and spatial averaging. First, time-averaged conservation equations for mass, momentum, and turbulent stresses for mobile bed conditions are derived. Then, the double-averaged hydrodynamic equations obtained by spatial averaging the time-averaged equations are proposed. The derived second-order equations can serve as a basis for the construction of simplified mathematical and numerical models and for interpretation of experimental and simulation data when bed mobility is present. Potential applications include complex flow situations such as free-surface flows over vegetated or mobile sedimentary beds and flows through tidal and wind turbine arrays.


Year: 2020

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